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How Going to Jail turned me Vegetarian maybe even Vegan

After spending a week and a few days in the county jail, watching Food Network and being subjected to the only food that was served, I was beginning to crack up a bit. We were being served breakfast at 3:30 am again. Which was CRAPPy any way you look at it. ! It was cold, hard, bland grits again. The milk was sour and the soy sausage patty was still frozen inside. I ate my two small orange segments and gave away my crumbling corn tortilla as I dreamed of butter and cheese.

I had just about reached my wits end. I was going to have to resort to living on peanut butter and saltines or die. My bail had been blocked, my commissary money had not posted in time to order (so they tell me). I had to exist solely on the food provided by the jail. That was the worst part of being locked up.

pictured above is an example of a typical prison or jail meal. Read more to see a sample menu

As luck or God would have it, on the day that I was contemplating slicing my wrists with my plastic jail id or hanging myself from my four foot tall bunk with my threadbare jail blanket. I was called to court. Given time served on the one misdemeanor charge that was mine and told that the hold from another county had been lifted because it wasn't me. I was going home. I never took the time to consider that I was held up in county for a few extra days on a charge that wasn't mine. I was too hungry to think about anything but my first meal out. It was a miracle. I could finally eat again. As luck would have it, I only had a dollar and some change left when I got out of jail. I had to eat something off of a dollar menu. I chose Jack in the Box Tacos. They tasted so sinfully good after the deprivation I felt after eating jail food that I instantly fell in love like a virgin who had just gotten her first kiss.

I was so disgusted by the bland, canned goods and meat like products that were served on the meal trays in jail that I began to dream constantly and vividly of all of the things I would cook when I got home. The things that were missing in jail were fresh foods, unprocessed foods, whole foods. So my dreams usually involved fresh fruits and vegetables. I dreamed of owning a juicer and a kick ass blender to make smoothies and getting better knives when I got out. I forgot I was broke when I went to jail. My dreams had no price limit like my real life. I loved living in my dream world where I cooked vegetables in my modern kitchen with my bad ass kitchen gear and gadgets.

I was going to be the Sasha Fierce of my own kitchen - Find my inner Beyonce

That got me thinking about Beyonce and Jay Z when they were doing a vegan challenge and it was all over the news. If I was going to unleash my Sasha, I should be willing to adapt. I would need energy. I needed a change. I was tired of feeling bloated and cranky after meals and I am sensitive to the plight of the animals. I felt a kinship to them while I was locked up. I thought that being in jail must feel a lot like being a caged cow being saved for slaughter.

slaughter cow

I didn't order a meal plan like the Carter family did. I ordered some plant protein powder that was pretty yummy.

If you want to try Beyonce's 22 day vegan challenge diet, I have a coupon that they said I can share. Use my link to save 10% on your order. Just go to: 22 days

Beyonce Beans

"I like to think I became a little closer to Beyoncé during the short time I tried the vegan meal plan from 22 Days Nutrition. Going into the whole thing, I was skeptical – anything that claims to be plant-based, organic, vegan, and gluten-free makes me feel anxious. I was worried I was going to be hungry the entire time, and I really don't like that feeling. I was so wrong." read more at

If you want to eat like a Queen Bey, use this link to get 10% off.

I like the idea of being Vegan but I am a Texas girl - They will sue you for saying vegan around here, I am kidding but not that much, ask Oprah. I once was scolded and shunned at a friends home that I was staying at for a weekend because I steamed broccoli in their house. I was told "You don't come into a rednecks house and stink up his home with your damn rabbit food. It's just dang wrong, throw that shit out or eat it outside" Gagging noises could be heard all the way to the porch outside where I sat emptily munching steamed broccoli alone. After the broccoli incident was over, the glade cans emptied...they offered me back-strap, which is a part of a deer. It was fried. I have never been a big meat eater but I like ground beef and chicken. I love eggs and cheese too.

So, I am changing my diet to add variety and vitality to my life. I have started eating a staggered diet. Weekdays are split between vegan and vegetarian dishes with at least one or two raw meals per week and the weekends are unrestricted and I eat whatever I want. Even if it is a cheeseburger. I have found some great substitutes for the foods that I used to eat and I am more satisfied and healthier for it.

I could not eat like a true raw vegan like this lady but I admire her for what she does and she is a Texan too

So I am eating a banana and learning recipes for new things to try like nutritional yeast

I want to try making my own vegan cheese

I just hope they are better than a veggie burger

Recipes like these are getting me excited

What are some of your favorite meat free meals?

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