Make your own Cannabis Honey in a crockpot
You will need a crockpot filled 1/3 of the way with water and lined with a dishtowel.
Add 1/2 oz crushed De-carboxolated Cannabis to two cups of raw honey in a mason jar.
Place the lid on the jar loosely ( to keep moisture out of the honey) and set the jar into the crockpot. Put the lid on the crockpot
Heat on low setting for five hours. Shake the jar every hour to ensure that the cannabis is evenly distributed and burp the lid to be sure that pressure doesn't build up inside the jar.
Let the jar cool for several hours before straining the Cannabis through a cheesecloth lined sieve. Bundle up the cheesecloth and squeeze any excess honey out.
If you are a coffee or tea drinker, you can still get more use out of that little bundle of discarded cannabis and cheesecloth.
Take the bundle and tie the ends closed like a little sachet and Just dunk it into any hot beverage that you would drink with honey and let it steep to release any remaining ganja goodness from the cheesecloth.
Prepared honey can be stored in the jar for up to 6 months. Use as you would regular honey
5 other Use for honey besides in tea or on toast
A topical ointment for mild burns and scrapes
All over body wash ( hair and skin)
Mix with lemon juice and use as cough syrup
take a spoonful per day to alleviate allergies
Drink a glass of water with honey to soothe stomache